lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011 - Año 1, Semana 25


In the last couple of weeks i have notice an increase on the membership of Mostly, people that only speak english. Is nice to see that our beloved (very mexican and very geeky) blog grows everyday, and with that catches the attention of international readers. That’s very nice, seriously. But I can’t help notice that every single comment made by this international readers are, well, pure crap. For real.

For a moment I just thought that they were some class of spambot just messing around. But they weren’t flooding the blog with “enlarge your penis”,“get $$ for your jewels” or some shit like that.

It’s not like we have the best readers in the world. Most of them suck balls and they don’t even leave the slightest comment in the post. But for the small fringe of readers who do leave a comment, most of the time it is related to the post.

What I’m trying to say is that if you, International Reader, are trying, from the bottom of your heart, to follow our blog because you’re interested in it and/or believe on what we’re saying, please do it. Feel free to leave a comment whenever you want. And tell your friends.

But if your only interest in this is to leave a comment so we can check your blog that is completely unrelated to the topics we read and write on this blog, well, you can lick my butt and suck on my balls.

Cine & TV

El nuevo trailer de Super 8 muestra muchas cosas, excepto…

Declaro que el 18 de octubre es día de Batman: Arkham City

Aquí tienen… 5 segundos de la nueva serie de TMNT


Nueva película de Doom…. en ¡TRES-JODIDO-DES!


Fast Five es… OMFGALAVERG@!!!

Esperemos que Cars 2 no sea como las ultimas películas de Pixar…

Primer vistazo a Silent Hill: Revelations 3D


Segun Epic Games, este es el futuro de los videojuegos

Un tráiler con un poco de gameplay de Alice: Madness Returns

Trailers de Jill Valentine y Shuma-Gorath


Este es el final de Shen Mue (de la boca de su creador)

Za Warudo Originals

Za Warudo Cast - Episodio 13

2 comentarios:

  1. Mas elocuente no pudiste ser. Un aplauso por favor. Solo espero que no hayas usado un traductor en linea para que todo tu texto estuviera tan bien redactado y correctamente escrito.

    For the rest of you, international readers, I can only say: You are welcome to post your comments in this blog, and feel free to make suggestions. And that's the bottom line, 'cause the Engineer said so!!!

  2. A mi tambien me sorprendió mi dominio del idioma. Creo que después de años y años de jugar en linea y de ver tantas imágenes de Lolcats, aprendí a como NO escribir en inglés.


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